Tuesday 16 October 2012

Biography - "Burri i madh Hasan Moglica (1854-1915)"// "The Great Man Hasan Moglica (1854-1915)" by Elliott Moglica

"The Great Man Hasan Moglica (1854-1915)"
Press Release: On October 28, 2012 will be released to the public in Canada, Albania and all over the globe - Elliott Moglica' new book "Burri i madh Hasan Moglica (1854-1915)"// "The Great Man Hasan Moglica (1854-1915" in Albanian language. The editor of it is Sakip Cami.

The Great Man Hasan Moglica

Summary regarding the book:
  • 684 pages;
  • Over 20 years research-work, accumulations and drafting (Majority was written until the end of the 2007 year); 
  • 249 references, footnotes, additional notes - which are listed based on MLA style;
  • 67 academical, historical and credible journalistic references;
  • Dozens of secret historical documents - kept secret for about 100 years; 
  • The secret letter of the great Albanian man, Hasan Moglica, addressed to his son Osman Moglica (June 1915); 
  • Dozens of drawings, sketches and photos with scholastic, historic Albanian and international values;
  • A complete biography dedicated to an Albanian Red-poppy: hero; educator; philosopher; teacher; fighter and a great Albanian patriot who was buried alive by insurgents; 
  • The book has 10 chapters;
  • The book is written based on western academic standards: with integrity, respect and professionalism -without deformations; 
  • Within Chapter IX: "Hymn për Hasan Moglica dhe Mëmëdheun”// "Hymn for Hasan Moglica and Albania" is included a long poetry named "Jam gdhendur nga Shqiponja!"// "I am chopped from the Eagle"; 
  • A biographical, historical, and research-work: with historic, academic, philosophic, scholastic and literary values in Albanian literature;
  • The book is with special (classical thick) high quality hardcover and high-quality white paper; 
  • The book is edited in 2012 year with high professionalism by the Albanian well-known publicist Sakip Cami; etc.

This book, THE GREAT MAN HASAN MOGLICA (1854-1915), is dedicated to the author's great-grandfather: as a professional gift to Albanian literature regarding the 100th Anniversary of The Albanian State.

For sale: All over the globe at: www.amazon.ca by following this link: Burri i madh Hasan Moglica (1854-1915) or contact author in Canada via e-mail at: e.moglica@yahoo.com with this subject: "Book-purchase re: Burri i madh Hasan Moglica (1854-1915)". Price (minimal without any profit): Can$ 18; USA$ 20; € 12

Thank you for your support!

Interview with Author Elliott Moglica by 'Pasqyra Shqiptare' TV

'Pasqyra Shqiptare' TV, in Toronto, has interviewed Elliott Moglica after publication of an academic and historic work dedicated "Burri i madh Hasan Moglica (1854-1915)"// "The Great Man Hasan Moglica (1854-1915" in Albanian language.